This is one of those projects that I wish I could just pull out and start over. I can't let myself, though. This marks an important milestone--the first project ever. I didn't even start with "practice stitches", I just went straight into knitting a scarf.
Project Details (I don't remember many):
- Needles = Size US 11
- Yarn = I've identified this yarn as Lion Brand Homespun Saffron (#0401)! I didn't find it at Michael's, but I knew the type, so I searched online until I found the colour.
(apparently I didn't save the wrapper, but I can look for it next time I'm at Michael's if anyone is really that interested--I got this yarn for Christmas in 2009 along with the needles I used on it) - Worked in Knit
- Don't remember width or length, too lazy to count, used almost entire ball of yarn
- Fringe was about... 8-10 inches? I forget. And yes, I'm far too lazy to measure.